Distilling Mirah: Type Inference October 05, 2010·11 mins I walk through the type inferencing engine in the new JVM language: Mirah
JRuby and Sinatra in 2 Minutes July 17, 2010·3 mins A lightning fast walkthrough of using the Sinatra micro-web-framework with JRuby as the platform.
Distilling JRuby: Frames and Backtraces March 15, 2010·19 mins Part Four in my “Distilling JRuby” series talks about the techniques for generating frames and backtraces.
The Ides of March March 13, 2010·3 mins An article on Julius Caesar, the god of war, and otherwise being awesome.
JRuby "IO.foreach" Performance November 03, 2009·15 mins I recently did some contributor work with JRuby focusing on performance problems. Here’s the story.