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Snap Applications Missing in Linux with ZSH

·2 mins

I’m a regular ZSH user, and overall it works just fine as a replacement of BASH. However, recently I kept having trouble with my personal workstation losing track of my SNAP-installeed applications (in particular the Atom Editor) while running KDE Neon. Thankfully, I’m not the only one that had this problem, and there is a straightforward (and in hindsight obvious) fix.

Using OSX? Why Aren't You Using iTerm, ZSH, and Prezto?

·5 mins

Most developers I run into today (as well as most dev shops) are using Macbooks as their development platform of choice. However, I’ve been surprised how many are using defaults. Notably:

  • Bash
  • Minimal/No Prompt Customization
  • Standard OSX terminal

There’s an opportunity to massively improve your terminal experience with a few steps.